Solution - Cannot Perform Operations To Volumes Or Nodes


You are experiencing issues with performing operations to volumes and nodes in an Ondat cluster. Below are some of the operations that you are unable to execute;

  • A specific PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) can’t be created or deleted successfully.
# Describe the PVC named "my-pvc".
kubectl describe pvc my-pvc

# truncated output...
  Type     Reason                Age                 From                                                                                         Message
  ----     ------                ----                ----                                                                                         -------
  Warning  ProvisioningFailed    27s (x9 over 10m)   csi.storageos.com_storageos-csi-helper-f7569f986-6prpq_debad2f4-27a8-4033-81af-7fb2e338afd4  failed to provision volume with StorageClass "storageos": rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded
  • Volumes cannot be used (ie, failing to attach and mount) and are reporting a FailedScheduling event.
# Describe the pod "d2".
kubectl describe pod d2

# truncated output...
  Type     Reason            Age   From                 Message
  ----     ------            ----  ----                 -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  4s    storageos-scheduler  Post "http://storageos:5705/v2/k8s/scheduler/filter": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
  • Volumes are not successfully failing over.
  • Nodes cannot be added or deleted.

In addition, when reviewing the logs for the Ondat daemonset, you may see the following error and warning messages;

# Get the logs for the Ondat daemonset/
kubectl logs daemonsets.apps/storageos-node  --namespace=storageos

# truncated output...
{"auth_req_username":"storageos","error":"context deadline exceeded","level":"error","msg":"error while performing login","req_id":"4ba51f16-0f69-4b4f-bb83-0d7f9b58ff0c","req_ip":"","req_xff":"","time":"2022-02-13T18:48:54.796090712Z"}
{"error":"context deadline exceeded","level":"error","msg":"storing remote capacity failed","node_id":"d8d3d8dc-c3cd-4f97-86fb-4706d01dff33","time":"2022-02-13T18:49:03.674273759Z"}
{"error":"context deadline exceeded","level":"warning","msg":"failed to update node size value in remote store","node_id":"d8d3d8dc-c3cd-4f97-86fb-4706d01dff33","time":"2022-02-13T18:49:03.674370036Z"}
{"error":"context deadline exceeded","level":"error","msg":"failed to fetch latest available licence information","time":"2022-02-13T18:49:03.675980929Z"}
{"error":"context deadline exceeded","level":"warning","msg":"lock operation failure - is etcd healthy?","node_id":"d8d3d8dc-c3cd-4f97-86fb-4706d01dff33","store_lock_key":"storageos/default/v1/locks/node/d8d3d8dc-c3cd-4f97-86fb-4706d01dff33","time":"2022-02-13T18:49:11.026773582Z"}
{"error":"context deadline exceeded","level":"error","msg":"abandoning expired lock","node_id":"d8d3d8dc-c3cd-4f97-86fb-4706d01dff33","store_lock_key":"storageos/default/v1/locks/node/d8d3d8dc-c3cd-4f97-86fb-4706d01dff33","time":"2022-02-13T18:49:11.026865788Z"}

# Use jq for clearer formatting and only show the error messages in the daemonset pods.
kubectl logs daemonsets.apps/storageos-node  --namespace=storageos | jq '{msg: .msg, error: .error}'

"msg": "storing remote capacity failed",
"error": "context deadline exceeded"
"msg": "failed to update node size value in remote store",
"error": "context deadline exceeded"
"msg": "failed to fetch latest available licence information",
"error": "context deadline exceeded"
"msg": "lock operation failure - is etcd healthy?",
"error": "context deadline exceeded"
"msg": "abandoning expired lock",
"error": "context deadline exceeded"
"msg": "error during authentication",
"error": "context deadline exceeded"

Root Cause

  • The error messages that are returned from the Ondat daemonset daemonsets.apps/storageos-node indicates that the daemonset pods cannot successfully communicate with the etcd cluster.


To resolve the operations issues, this will require assessing and repairing the etcd cluster and ensuring that the cluster is healthy again - whether the issue is etcd, your network configuration, or because the nodes where Ondat is deployed are overutilised to the point where they cannot fulfil requests to and from etcd successfully.

  1. Ensure that your etcd cluster is running and is healthy.
    • etcdctl member list -wtable
    • etcdctl endpoint status -wtable
    • etcdctl endpoint health -wtable
  2. Check to see if your etcd cluster has lost quorum by reviewing the etcd logs.
  3. Check to see if your etcd cluster is routable.
  4. Check to see if your etcd cluster is in a Read Only (RO) state that has been caused by an etcd alarm.
    • etcdctl alarm list
  5. Check to see if your etcd cluster is struggling to write to disk fast enough (etcd is sensitive to latency on disk).
    • Review the logs and prometheus monitoring metrics for disk_wal_fsync and db_fsync and check to see if there is any performance degradation. (ie, orders of seconds rather than milliseconds or nanoseconds).
  6. If your etcd cluster is healthy and routable, check to see if the nodes running the Ondat daemonset pods daemonsets.apps/storageos-node are healthy.
    • Are the pods under unusual load?
    • Are there any errors being reported in one daemonset pod or more?