Etcd cluster migration

This procedure explains how to migrate data from an etcd cluster running outside a Kubernetes cluster towards an installation using the Ondat etcd Operator. As a result the Ondat cluster will use the etcd running as Pods in Kubernetes.


  • Kubectl
  • Helm

It is assumed that both etcd clusters in this procedure are using mTLS.


Option A - Manual process

  1. Backup the TLS artifacts from the current etcd cluster (if current etcd uses mTLS) The Secret with the TLS material is usually named storageos-etcd-secret or etcd-client-tls

    $ kubectl get secret \
        -n storageos \
        -o yaml \
        etcd-client-tls > etcd-storageos-tls-secret-backup.yaml
  2. Deploy etcd cluster in Kubernetes

    ⚠️ It is required to select a storageClass other than ondat/storageos to run etcd in the cluster. If there is none available in the cluster, you can run the following to deploy a Local Path Provisioner to provide local storage for Ondat’s embedded etcd cluster operator deployment. Even though, that CSI provisioner is not intended for production.

    (Optional) Deploy Local path storageClass

    kubectl apply --filename=""

    Deploy etcd

    # Add ondat charts repo.
    $ helm repo add ondat
    # Install the chart in a namespace.
    $ helm install storageos-etcd ondat/etcd-cluster-operator \
        --namespace etcd-operator \
        --create-namespace \
        --set ondat.secret=storageos-etcd-secret-incluster \
        --set cluster.storageclass=standard # Choose the one according to your cluster

    ⚠️ The Secret name for the etcd client certificates is amended to avoid using the same Secret name as the one used for the old etcd cluster

    For more details, check the etcd cluster operator chart.

  3. Validate etcd

    Check that etcd pods are starting

    $ kubectl -n storageos-etcd get pod
    NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    storageos-etcd-0-7b755   1/1     Running   0          1m
    storageos-etcd-1-q6k5q   1/1     Running   0          1m
    storageos-etcd-2-s6kck   1/1     Running   0          1m

    The pods might take a few minutes to be ready

  4. Copy and amend the helper pod definition The following pod will be used as a bridge between the old etcd and the new one. Because of that, it is required to amend the env vars pointing to the URLs of the clusters and mount the TLS secrets to access both of them

    Create a file helper-etcd-pod.yaml with the following contents.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
        run: etcdctl
      name: etcdctl-migration
      - image:
        name: etcdctl
        - name: OLD_ETCD_ENDPOINT
        - name: NEW_ETCD_ENDPOINT
          value: https://storageos-etcd.storageos-etcd:2379
        - name: OLD_ETCD_CERTS_DIR
          value: '/etc/etcd_old/certs' # defined in the volumes from a Secret
        - name: NEW_ETCD_CERTS_DIR
          value: '/etc/etcd_new/certs' # defined in the volumes from a Secret
        - name: OLD_ETCD_CMD_OPTS
          value: "--endpoints $(OLD_ETCD_ENDPOINT) --cacert $(OLD_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client-ca.crt --key $(OLD_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client.key --cert $(OLD_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client.crt"
        - name: NEW_ETCD_CMD_OPTS
          value: "--endpoints $(NEW_ETCD_ENDPOINT) --cacert $(NEW_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client-ca.crt --key $(NEW_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client.key --cert $(NEW_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client.crt"
        command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c" ]
        - "
            etcdctl make-mirror \
            $(OLD_ETCD_CMD_OPTS) \
            --dest-cacert $(NEW_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client-ca.crt \
            --dest-cert $(NEW_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client.crt \
            --dest-key $(NEW_ETCD_CERTS_DIR)/etcd-client.key \
        - mountPath: /etc/etcd_old/certs
          name: cert-dir-old
        - mountPath: /etc/etcd_new/certs
          name: cert-dir-new
      - name: cert-dir-old
          defaultMode: 420
          secretName: storageos-etcd-secret
      - name: cert-dir-new
          defaultMode: 420
          secretName: storageos-etcd-secret-incluster
    • Amend the env var OLD_ETCD_ENDPOINT with your cluster’s URL
    • Amend the spec.volumes.secret.secretName according to the Secrets' names on your cluster.
  5. Run the helper pod

    kubectl -n storageos create -f ./helper-etcd-pod.yaml

    The helper pod creates a mirror between both etcd clusters

  6. Wait for the mirror

    $ kubectl -n storageos logs etcdctl-migration -f

    ⚠️ Wait until the command outputs an integer (the number of keys synced). The number must not be 0. If that is the case:

    1. Exec to the pod: kubectl -n storageos exec -it etcdctl-migration -- bash
    2. Check env vars env | grep ETCD
    3. Check connectivity etcdctl $OLD_ETCD_CMD_OPTS member list; etcdctl $NEW_ETCD_CMD_OPTS member list
  7. Stop stateful applications Scale down to 0 replicas all applications using Ondat volumes and wait until all pods are stopped


    kubectl scale statefulset YOUR_STS --replicas=0
  8. Backup StorageOS CustomResource

    kubectl get \
        -n storageos  \
        -oyaml \
        storageoscluster > storageos-cluster.yaml

    Verify the backup

    cat storageos-cluster.yaml
  9. Stop Ondat

    kubectl -n storageos delete storageoscluster
  10. Stop mirror

    kubectl -n $STOS_NS delete pod etcdctl-migration
  11. Amend the StoragseOS Cluster CustomResource

    Edit the file storageos-cluster.yaml

    • Set the new etcd address in kvBackend.address
    • Set the new Secret in tlsEtcdSecretRefName


        address: storageos-etcd.storageos-etcd:2379
      tlsEtcdSecretRefName: storageos-etcd-secret-incluster
      tlsEtcdSecretRefNamespace: storageos
  12. Start Ondat

    $ kubectl -n storageos create -f storageos-cluster.yaml created

    Wait until pods are running

    $ kubectl -n storageos get pod
    NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    etcdctl-migration                      1/1     Running   0             8m5s
    storageos-operator-67678c896d-npq5m    2/2     Running   6 (33m ago)   5h44m
    storageos-scheduler-7fdb74fb8c-t675h   1/1     Running   0             2s
    storageos-node-8z7mj                   3/3     Running           0             2s
    storageos-node-r8trk                   3/3     Running           0             2s
    storageos-node-c28pk                   3/3     Running           0             3s
    storageos-api-manager-5cccf759d8-c58tx   1/1     Running             0             1s
    storageos-csi-helper-65db657d7c-hqvdt    3/3     Running             0             2s
    storageos-api-manager-5cccf759d8-ppxhd   1/1     Running             0             2s
  13. Validate Ondat is connecting to the new etcd Search for ETCD connection established and the new etcd URL in the logs of the daemonset pods.

    The pattern suggested must be found on any of the daemonset node pods.

    $ kubectl -n storageos logs ds/storageos-node | grep "ETCD connection established"
    {"level":"info","msg":"ETCD connection established at: [storageos-etcd.storageos-etcd:2379]","time":"2022-06-20T16:16:05.593281009Z"}
  14. Start stateful applications

  15. Clean up

    • Decommission the old etcd after a period of safety.
    • Delete old TLS secret from the StorageOS namespace when the etcd is decommissioned.

Option B - Automated

Before starting this procedure it is required to stop all usage of Ondat volumes. Therefore any stateful applications need to be scaled to 0.

⚠️ It is required to select a storageClass other than ondat/storageos to run etcd in the cluster. If there is none available in the cluster, you can run the following to deploy a Local Path Provisioner to provide local storage for Ondat’s embedded etcd cluster operator deployment. Even though, that CSI provisioner is not intended for production.

(Optional) Deploy Local path storageClass

kubectl apply --filename=""

The following script executes the same steps as the manual procedure.

  1. Download script

    curl -s -o \
        && chmod +x
  2. Run the migration

    ETCD_ENDPOINT=PROD_ETCD_ENDPOINT # fill this env var

    For example:

    $ ETCD_STORAGECLASS=local-path
    $ ./ \
        -e $ETCD_ENDPOINT
     Storing a backup of the storageos-etcd-secret in /tmp/etcd-client-tls.yaml
     Release "storageos-etcd" does not exist. Installing it now.
     NAME: storageos-etcd
     LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jun 22 16:44:43 2022
     NAMESPACE: etcd-operator
     STATUS: deployed
     REVISION: 1
     TEST SUITE: None
     Wating for etcd to be ready
     Etcd is ready
     pod/etcdctl-migration created
     Wating for the mirror
     Mirror between etcds is running successfully
     Backing up the StorageOSCluster configuration
     Stopping Ondat "storageoscluster" deleted
     Stopping etcd mirror
     pod "etcdctl-migration" deleted
     Starting Ondat created
     Wating for Ondat to be ready
     Ondat is ready
     Checking that Ondat is pointing to the new etcd cluster in the node container logs: