Etcd in Kubernetes

Ondat requires an etcd cluster in order to function. For more information on why etcd is required, see our etcd concepts page.

Neither Ondat nor Kubernetes support using Kubernetes' own internal etcd for Ondat.

For most use-cases it is recommended to install the Ondat etcd operator that will manage creation and maintenance of Ondat’s required etcd cluster. In some circumstances, eg. when cloud storage technologies are not available, it makes sense to install etcd on separate machines outside of your Kubernetes cluster.

Installing Etcd Into Your Kubernetes Cluster

This is our recommended way to host etcd in both testing and production environments.

Configuring Storage for Etcd

We highly recommend using cloud provider network attached disks for storing etcd data, such as EBS volumes, Google Persistent Disks, Azure Disks, etc. This allows the etcd operator to recover from node failures.

For testing environments or where there are no resilient storage options available, a node-local storage option can be used, such as Local Path Provisioner. This will store etcd data on the node hosting an etcd pod

⚠️ The local-path StorageClass is only recommended when other, better storage classes are not available, as this stores all the data of the etcd peers locally, which makes it susceptible to state being lost on node failures. In the case of local-path storage, a minimum of 5 etcd nodes is recommended to increase resilience.

Installing Etcd

An etcd cluster can be created in three different ways:

  • Installing the etcd operator via our helm chart
  • Installing Ondat (and the etcd operator) via our Plugin
  • Manually deploying the etcd operator and applying an etcdcluster custom resource

For full instructions, visit Ondat Helm Chart repository.

kubectl storageos install \
    --include-etcd \
    --etcd-storage-class <the storage class you want to use for etcd> \

Configurable: Manually applying an etcdcluster custom resource

This installation method allows the most configuration of the etcd cluster, but is error-prone and therefore not recommended in situations in which the Helm chart or plugin can be used, instead.

  • Manually applying an etcdcluster custom resource

For full instructions, visit here

kubectl storageos install \
    --include-etcd \
    --etcd-storage-class <the storage class you want to use for etcd> \

Manually applying an etcdcluster custom resource

This installation method allows the most configuration of the etcd cluster, but is error-prone and therefore not recommended in situations in which the Helm chart or plugin can be used, instead.

Find the verison of the etcd operator you want to install from GitHub.

Install the etcd operator:

export ETCD_OPERATOR_VERSION=<set the version you want to use>
kubectl apply -f${ETCD_OPERATOR_VERSION}/storageos-etcd-cluster-operator.yaml

Then adapt the following sample to your needs and use kubectl to apply it:

export ETCD_OPERATOR_VERSION=<set the version you want to use>
vim storageos-etcd-cluster.yaml
kubectl apply -f storageos-etcd-cluster.yaml

Installation Verification

$ kubectl -n storageos-etcd get pod,svc,pdb
NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/storageos-etcd-0-28m5t                               1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/storageos-etcd-1-2lpn9                               1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/storageos-etcd-2-dpdz6                               1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/storageos-etcd-3-7lsmz                               1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/storageos-etcd-4-q5xjd                               1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/storageos-etcd-controller-manager-6f5776c64f-dhp7r   1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/storageos-etcd-controller-manager-6f5776c64f-vvxrr   1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/storageos-etcd-proxy-96bf4bb5f-z5m7f                 1/1     Running   0          18h

NAME                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
service/storageos-etcd         ClusterIP   None            <none>        2379/TCP,2380/TCP   18h
service/storageos-etcd-proxy   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP              18h

NAME                                        MIN AVAILABLE   MAX UNAVAILABLE   ALLOWED DISRUPTIONS   AGE
poddisruptionbudget.policy/storageos-etcd   3               N/A               2                     18h