Ondat Command Line Interface (CLI) Utility
- The Ondat CLI is a utility tool that is used to manage and configure Ondat resources and conduct Day-2 storage operations. The Ondat CLI is also useful for providing useful information on the state of an Ondat cluster and troubleshooting issues.
- The project repository is open source and can be located on GitHub.
- Ensure that you have successfully installed Ondat into your Kubernetes or Openshift cluster.
How To Install The Ondat CLI
Option 1 - Run The Ondat CLI As A Deployment (Recommended)
- Run the following command below against your Ondat cluster which will deploy the Ondat CLI using a Kubernetes deployment.
# Create the deployment for the Ondat CLI.
kubectl create --filename -<<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: storageos-cli
app.kubernetes.io/component: storageos-cli
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: storageos
kind: storageos
name: storageos-cli
namespace: storageos
replicas: 1
app: storageos-cli
app: storageos-cli
- command:
- /bin/sh
- -c
- while true; do sleep 3600; done
name: storageos-api
key: username
optional: false
name: storageos-api
key: password
optional: false
value: storageos:5705
image: storageos/cli:v2.9.0
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: cli
- containerPort: 5705
cpu: 100m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 50m
memory: 32Mi
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
Execute Commands Through The Ondat CLI Deployment
- Once the Ondat CLI deployment resource has been successfully created, get the pod name and take note of it for later reference.
# Get the pod name of the Ondat CLI utility.
kubectl get pods --namespace storageos | grep "storageos-cli"
storageos-cli-75874cd77f-b5dgp 1/1 Running 0 35m
- You can then use
to run Ondat CLI commands in the container as demonstrated below;
kubectl --namespace=storageos exec storageos-cli-75874cd77f-b5dgp -- storageos version
💡 Deploying the Ondat CLI as a deployment is the recommended method as the Ondat support bundle generation tool can automatically detect a deployment called
and warn you if you do not have the CLI installed.
Option 2 - Run The Ondat CLI On A Workstation
- To be able to interact and manage your Ondat cluster, ensure that you define and export the
environment variables that will be used to manage your Ondat cluster through the CLI.
export STORAGEOS_USERNAME="storageos"
export STORAGEOS_PASSWORD="storageos"
# Enter the endpoint address of Ondat's REST API to access the cluster through the CLI.
# When using "kubectl port-forward" to access the cluster, change the endpoint to "localhost:5705".
export STORAGEOS_ENDPOINTS="storageos.storageos.svc:5705"
- Once you have defined the environment variables above, install the Ondat CLI on one of the supported operating systems listed below;
curl --silent --show-error --location --output storageos \
https://github.com/storageos/go-cli/releases/download/v2.9.0/storageos_linux_amd64 \
&& chmod +x storageos \
&& sudo mv storageos /usr/local/bin/ \
&& echo "CLI version installed:" \
&& storageos version
macOS (Darwin)
curl --silent --show-error --location --output storageos \
https://github.com/storageos/go-cli/releases/download/v2.9.0/storageos_darwin_amd64 \
&& chmod +x storageos \
&& sudo mv storageos /usr/local/bin/ \
&& echo "CLI version installed:" \
&& storageos version
# PowerShell
Invoke-WebRequest https://github.com/storageos/go-cli/releases/download/v2.9.0/storageos_windows_amd64.exe -OutFile storageos.exe `
; Write-Host "Plugin version installed:" `
; .\storageos.exe version
Execute Commands Through The Ondat CLI Binary
- Once you have successfully installed the Ondat CLI, you can leverage
kubectl port-forward
to establish a connection with your Ondat cluster in order to be able to execute commands.
# Change the "STORAGEOS_ENDPOINTS" to point to "localhost:5705".
export STORAGEOS_ENDPOINTS="localhost:5705"
# Use port forwarding to access the Ondat REST API locally.
kubectl port-forward service/storageos 5705 --namespace=storageos
# In a new shell, execute Ondat CLI commands to confirm that you can now interact with your Ondat cluster.
storageos version
- Get the version of the CLI utility installed;
storageos version
- Get more information on the available commands in the CLI utility;
storageos help
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To be notified about stable releases and latest features, sign up at https://my.storageos.com.
storageos [command]
Available Commands:
apply Make changes to existing resources
attach Attach a volume to a node
cordon Marks a node as cordoned
create Create new resources
delete Delete resources in the cluster
describe Fetch extended details for resources
detach Detach a volume from its current location
get Fetch basic details for resources
help Help about any command
nfs Make changes and attach nfs volumes
uncordon Marks a node as uncordoned
update Make changes to existing resources
version View version information for the StorageOS CLI
--cache-dir string set the directory used by the StorageOS CLI to cache data that can be used for future commands (default "/Users/rodney/Library/Caches/storageos")
-c, --config string specifies the config file path (default "/Users/rodney/Library/Application Support/storageos/config.yaml")
--endpoints stringArray set the list of endpoints which are used when connecting to the StorageOS API (default [http://localhost:5705])
-h, --help help for storageos
-n, --namespace string specifies the namespace to operate within for commands that require one (default "default")
--no-auth-cache disable the CLI's caching of authentication sessions
-o, --output string specifies the output format (one of [json yaml text]) (default "text")
--password string set the StorageOS account password to authenticate with (default "storageos")
--timeout duration set the timeout duration to use for execution of the command (default 15s)
--use-ids specify existing StorageOS resources by their unique identifiers instead of by their names
--username string set the StorageOS account username to authenticate as (default "storageos")
Additional help topics:
storageos config-file View help information for using a configuration file
storageos env View documentation for configuration settings which can be set in the environment
storageos exitcodes View documentation for the exit codes used by the StorageOS CLI
Use "storageos [command] --help" for more information about a command.